Tuesday, September 7, 2010


So I'm sitting at a friends house right now, Gill is ragging on me about "Your turn to post on the blog!" and I'm just thinking about tossing her phone in the toilet. I don't even want to work on this stupid blog. Even less with my evil twin sister. And, to top it all off, I have to do dishes for a week, or Gill's gonna take my lizard back to the portal. (Yeah, we have a portal. It's in my closet. About once a week it spits out something from another dimension. No biggy.)

Dishes suck.

Homework sucks.

Stupid bald "guidance counselors" with their overly groomed goatees and pristine, wrinkle free shirts suck. (Yes, Mr. Q. I'm talking about you. What are you gonna do about it? Give me detention? I've already got it every Saturday until Christmas break.)

Life sucks.

(But, my new book on origami came in today! Shut up, Gill! It relaxes me. )

The awesome part of the Blog's name: Artichoke -- over and out.

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